The journey begins in Saint Augustine, FL, and heads south to Miami and Key West for the official starting location. From there, I’ll ride north to St. Louis to stay with my son for a night’s rest after completing two IronButt challenges within 36 hours. Once rested, I’ll head northwest through South Dakota and Montana. I’ll enter Canada in Alberta and head towards Calgary. From there, I’ll continue northwest through British Columbia and the Cassiar Hwy towards Hyder, AK. From Hyder, I’ll make my way to Fairbanks via Tok and really get to take in the scenery.
I’ll change my tires to a more aggressive tire in Fairbanks for the Dalton and Dempster Highways. With new tires installed, I’ll head up the Dalton Hwy towards a challenging 414-mile ride to Deadhorse/Pruhdoe Bay, AK. If road conditions are good, I hope to make the round trip back down to Fairbanks in 3 days.
From Deadhorse, I’ll head back down to Fairbanks and backtrack until I reach Tok. Then, I’ll head north to Chicken, AK, and the Top of the World Hwy, where I’ll catch a ferry over to Dawson City. If I’m still feeling brave, I’ll try the Sour Toe Whiskey drink in Dawson City. The following day, I’ll head north up the Dempster Highway. The Dempster Hwy is one of Canada’s most epic roads, leading from Dawson City, Yukon, to Inuvik, Northwest Territories. The route crosses the Arctic Circle and winds through mountains and valleys amidst extraordinary scenery. In Inuvik, it connects to the new Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway route, which runs all the way to the Arctic Ocean. It is Canada’s only year-round road that crosses the Arctic Circle. But this drive is challenging, stretching 543 miles one way on a gravel road. When I reach Tuktoyaktuk, I plan on taking a swim in the Arctic Ocean. The return trip back to Dawson City, depending on weather, will take about 4 days.
Once I’m back in Dawson City, my route back home begins riding through the Yukon towards Carmacks and Dawson Creek. From there, I continue south towards Jasper and Banff National Parks. If time permits, I’ll then head south towards Montana for a rally with a few Bike a Bunker hosts. This will be winding down my 5-week trip, and I’ll head back to Key West via St. Louis.
The total mileage is targeted close to 14,000 miles from start to finish. During the ride, I’ll have performed 3 oil changes, greased the rear drive shaft splines and changed gear fluid, checked/adjusted the engine’s valves, and gone through at least 2 sets of tires. I’m thankful for Amazon Lockers and CycleGear locations along the way to drop-ship those items as I need them.